Love Story, Filem 1970
Petang tadi seperti biasa, saya menonton Oprah. Frust sebab Rancangan Talk show kesukaan saya ini sudah mencapai tahun akhir, tanpa saya berkesempatan melihat sendiri di sana! Adui. Rancangan hari ini membawa saya kembali kepada zaman kegemilangan Filem 'Love Story' lakonan Ryan O'Neal, Ali MacGraw, Ray Milland dan Tommy Lee Jones . Well, saya tidak berhajat mengulas cerita ini (anda boleh baca di petikan drp wikipedia) yang kali pertama saya tonton pada lewat tahun 1980-an ketika saya masih berada di bangku sekolah menengah. Pada masa itu saya tinggal di asrama, lazimnya sebulan sekali, kami akan berkesempatan menonton di asrma, di mana tayangan filem akan dipancarkan di dinding sekokal, dengan bayaran 50 sen sahaja. Kami akan membawa kerusi, makanan atau minuman sendiri sebagai 'cacan' untuk dimakan. Seronoknya bukan main sebab pada masa itu memang tidak pernah menonton wayang. (panggung hanya kerusi kayu, di Langkawi belum ada panggung wayang, even di bandar di mana sekolah asrama saya di Alor Setar, panggung wayang pun, hanya ada satu buah. (kerusi keras, kayu ooo)
Dengan membayar 50 sen, anda mendapat tempat duduk yang enak (enak ke, kerusi plastik), ada yg membawa tikar dan boleh berbaring, tapi kadangkala terlindung dek orang lain. Jadi, berkerusi plastik adalah keseronokan yang tidak terbayang. Saya ingat lagi beberapa tajuk fielm yang pernah ditayangkan, 'Jaws 1', 'Jaws 2', 'dogs', 'Love Story', 'Carrie' dan 'the sound of music'. Berbalik kepada filem tadi, dengan bayaran semurah itu (actually mahal juga waktu tu, sebab saya hanya diberi duit poket 20.00 sebulan.. ha ha ha, makanan dibayar 30.00 sebulan, sudah tentu dengan subsidi kerajaan, manalah dapat makan dengan bayaran 30.00, hanya rm 1.00 sehari, 4 kali makan: sarapan, tengah hari, petang dan malam) saya akan mendapat hiburan, makan, dan tangisan secara percuma. Pada masa itu dengan acsess hiburan dan info terhad, tidak pula tahu yang filem itu mendapat pencalonan oscar (7 pencalonan) dan merupakan filem terhebat era itu!
Saya pernah menonton kembali filem hebat ini pada tahun-tahun 1990-an dan masih menangis seperti kali pertama menonton (being sentimental and stupido: perkataan stupid terlalu berbaur bodoh, agaknya, ha ha ha)
Menonton oprah. bukan sahaja mengembalikan kenangan terhadap filem ini, as being young and kind (selalunya orang sebut being young and wild, tetapi saya masa budak2 sangat naif, saya rasa semua budak2 zaman saya begitu.. dan saya masih begitu.. :) ) Oprah bukan sahaja menyatukan kembali pelakon utamanya (actually dah lama dah, baru masuk ke astro) rupanya, Ryan O'Neal, Ali MacGraw, pernah dilaporkan 'mencuba bercinta', tapi Ali menolak cinta O'neal.. (he he)..
Dan cerita disebaliknya lebih menyentuh hati saya. Wanita disebalik filem ini sebenarnya adalah Janet Sussman Gartner menggantikan watak dalam filem itu, Jenny Cavilleri. Janet bersekolah bersama dengan Erich Segal, dan selepas dia ke kolej, Erich menulis beliau surat-surat cinta, dengan kata-kata mereka akan berkahwin dalam masa 10 tahun. Malangnya
Erich's prediction was wrong—Janet married another man. "I had been married for five years, and in the middle of the night, [I] was fast asleep and the phone rang," she says. "I picked it up, and all I heard was a raspy voice saying: 'I just wrote you my last love letter. It's about 150 pages long.' I didn't know what he was talking about until the next day when the book came out, and then the movie followed the book."
Jadi walaupun ..(.Erich passed away in January 2010, and he died without ever confirming or denying whether Janet was really his "Jenny." "Let's just keep the mystery going," Janet says. "It's something that I will always be extremely proud, grateful and astonished that this happened to me, and I'm glad my children can share it with me.") saya tetap beranggapan filem ini dibuat sebagai lambang cinta Erich terhadap Janet. Oooww, romantiknya! Apabia seseorang menulis sebuah buku dan filem untuk diri kita! Adusss... Wataknya dimatikan dalam filem sebagai lambang bahawa watak/ wanita ini juga turut mati dalam angan-angannya, mungkin! Tragis tetapi romantik! Mahu tahu lebih lanjut tentang filem dan cerita Janet, silalah baca petikan di bawah...
Petikan: Wikipedia.
Love Story is a 1970 romantic drama film written by Erich Segal and directed by Arthur Hiller. The film, well known as a tragedy, is considered one of the most romantic of all time by the American Film Institute (#9 on the list), and was followed by a sequel, Oliver's Story during 1978. Love Story starred Ryan O'Neal, Ali MacGraw, and Ray Milland and is also the film debut of Tommy Lee Jones with a minor role.
The novel also includes the double meaning of a love story between Oliver and his father.
The film tells of Oliver Barrett IV, who comes from a family of wealthy and well-respected Harvard University graduates. At Radcliffe library, the Harvard student meets and falls in love with Jennifer Cavalleri, a working-class, quick-witted Radcliffe College student. Upon graduation from college, the two decide to marry against the wishes of Oliver's father, who thereupon severs ties with his son.
Without his father's financial support, the couple struggles to pay Oliver's way through Harvard Law School with Jenny working as a private school teacher. They rent the top floor of a house near the Law School at 119 Oxford Street, in the Agassiz neighborhood of Cambridge, adjacent to a local laundromat. Graduating third in his class at Harvard Law, Oliver takes a position at a respectable New York law firm.
With Oliver's new income, the pair of 24-year-olds decide to have a child. After failing, they consult a medical specialist, who after repeated tests, informs Oliver that Jenny is ill and will soon die. While this is not stated explicitly, she appears to have leukemia.
As instructed by his doctor, Oliver attempts to live a "normal life" without telling Jenny of her condition. Jenny nevertheless discovers her ailment after confronting her doctor about her recent illness. With their days together numbered, Jenny begins costly cancer therapy, and Oliver soon becomes unable to afford the multiplying hospital expenses. Desperate, he seeks financial relief from his father. When the senior Barrett asks if he needs the money because he got some girl "in trouble," Oliver says yes instead of telling his father the truth about Jenny's condition.
From her hospital bed, Jenny speaks with her father about funeral arrangements, then asks for Oliver. She tells him to avoid blaming himself, and asks him to embrace her tightly before she dies. They lie together on the hospital bed.
The novel also includes the double meaning of a love story between Oliver and his father, highlighted by the scene between Oliver and his father at the end of the book. When Mr. Barrett realizes that Jenny is ill and that his son borrowed the money for her, he immediately sets out for New York. By the time he reaches the hospital, Jenny is dead. Mr. Barrett apologizes to his son, who replies with something Jenny once told him: "Love means never having to say you're sorry."
Petikan: Oprah, Love Story Reunion
Love Story first became a pop culture phenomenon, women across the country wanted to be Jenny Cavilleri. What many people don't know, including Ali and Ryan, is a woman named Janet Sussman Gartner says she's the inspiration for this unforgettable character.
"I was born in Brooklyn, and I attended school with Erich Segal," Janet says. "I went off to college, and Erich wrote me love letters."
Despite Erich's romantic overtures, Janet wasn't interested. "I had absolutely no romantic feelings for him," she says. Still, Erich persisted. "He said, 'I predict in 10 years we'll be married.'"
Erich's prediction was wrong—Janet married another man. "I had been married for five years, and in the middle of the night, [I] was fast asleep and the phone rang," she says. "I picked it up, and all I heard was a raspy voice saying: 'I just wrote you my last love letter. It's about 150 pages long.' I didn't know what he was talking about until the next day when the book came out, and then the movie followed the book."
Although Jenny dies at the end of
Love Story, Janet is alive and well and is the mother of three. "I think that his writing the book and killing her was killing me off the pedestal and acknowledging that he was never going to accomplish or get whatever dream he had," Janet says.
Erich passed away in January 2010, and he died without ever confirming or denying whether Janet was really his "Jenny." "Let's just keep the mystery going," Janet says. "It's something that I will always be extremely proud, grateful and astonished that this happened to me, and I'm glad my children can share it with me."